Saturday, November 17, 2018

Who do you want to be?

Yesterday was Halloween, and as I was giving out candy to "tick or treaters," I remembered a time when I took my daughter for her first "trick or treat."  I had bought her a Cinderella Custom with matching face mask.  She was about four years old.  We walked to our neighbor's house, climbed  up the stairs, where Nikki put on her Cinderella face mask.  She suddenly stopped, took off her mask, and said to me, "Dad, I don't want to be Cinderella, I just want to be myself."  Here was my four year old little girl making a life decision to "be her herself."  It was unexpected and amazing at the same time.  I asked her if she wanted to knock on the door to get her candy treat, and she said, "No."  We went back home. She took off her custom, took out her coloring book, and began to color; and that was that. 

In contrast to my daughter's life decision, I wanted to be a garbage-man.  I thought it would fun ridding on the back of a garbage truck.  When I would go visiting with my father to his friend Tony, he would ask his friend to ask me what I wanted to be; he asked and I, with no hesitating replied, "a garbage-man."  Than my father and his friend would laugh.   My sincerity and my daughter's, about our desires for our lives were forthright and honest, but her dimensional spectrum was much more expanded than mine. 

Shakespeare wrote, "To be or not to be.  That is the question..."  So reader, I am asking you, who do you want to be?  I can see you smiling and saying, "that is easy,  I want to be a fireman, a policeman, a poet, a writer, a dancer, a singer, etc. any one of million desires that may "float my boat."  If your desires are strong and you are deeply committed, over time you will manifest your desire.  Than after you achieve your goal, the pleasure of your achievement is self satisfying; you bask in it.  Than after time you begin to feel the urge to expand yourself further.  It is like living in a ten by ten space, its comfortable, but you began to imagine a space twenty by twenty.  As you accommodate to that space, you begin to imagine living in an even larger space.  What is really happening to you is, you have consciously awakened the innate, cosmic urge of expansion into your life.  Life is never satisfied with the status quo; you might have a recognition of this urge

Now, with the connection of this urge you have created an existential or experiential attachment to the cosmos.  At this point, you and the cosmos are one.  This then is the beginning of truth, and has unbounded the possibilities of the entire Universe, to be within your preview. 

The whole Universe is knitted together in an absolute web of unity and destiny.

                                 "One truth, many path.  Be good, do good.

                                                      Louis DiVirgilio