The secret of conflict is in the existing degrees of ignorance, selfishness, and lack of altruism----the noblest emotion that can possibly enter the heart. It is only in altruism, in thinking of others, in putting others before ourselves, that we forget ourselves, and in the forgetting lost the pains and sorrows and the little happiness that we cling on to and call ourselves.
You should clearly see that the only pathway to wisdom and universal peace is putting the whole before the insignificant, the many before yourself; and therefore living in the universal life instead of living only within your own small shadow. There we have the secret of living a universal life, and it is precisely this secret that the modern world has forgotten. It has forgotten that in self-forgetfulness is greatness, peace and happiness; that our lack of peace and our unhappiness come from our little pettiness's and worries close to us; for these are anxieties and hatreds gnawing at the very fiber of our inner being, and then we suffer, we are hurt, and we raise our eyes to heaven or to the gods, and exclaim; "Why has this happened to me, to us? What have I done ? What have we done?" Yet to obey the merest cognizance of spiritual and natural law should tell us that everything that happens in the great and in the small happens according to divine law; and that misery and unhappiness and conflict and wretchedness and poverty and all the array of accompanying ills, arise out of negligence to obey the cosmic law.
Nature is fundamentally spiritual, and therefore is ruled by law, and therefore has compensation for meritorious conduct and retribution for the unmeritorious; and that these two, the compensation and retribution, are as infallible as is that comic law itself, for they are but the expression of it. When a man or woman allows these wondrous and yet so simple thoughts to sink into there consciousness so that they become a part of the very fiber of there being, no longer will they willfully injure another. It is no longer within his or her's character to do so. They have drawn himself out of the mud, and seen the golden sunshine. They recognizes that fundamentally all is one, all beings are one , and that the unit is as important as the whole, and that the whole is as important as the unit; and that the unit within the whole is infinitely more important than the unit, single and alone. By the units themselves thinking in this way, the cosmic rule of harmony is preserved unto infinity.
That is what we have lost; the conviction that we shall meet compensation or retribution for our thoughts and for our feeling; that good will infallibly come to us if we sow good and think and feel right, and sow the seeds of justice and honor and probity and decency in our conduct towards all men and women; all others, not just "my" friends---all. For the cosmos is a unity and knows no divisions or human separations. This is what we have lost. This is where we fail. This is the secret of all human conflict. Because of the very complex character of modern civilization, any man or women with a heart in the right place, can solve such complex questions because they are illuminated by the divine within them, if they allow their heart to speak. Then their judgment is virtually infallible. The fact is, we of European and American decent have been cowards entirely too long, always wanting to put the fault on someone else. so we have erected a pure figment of our imagination, and we speak of it as Christ Jesus, and on his shoulders lay all our sins; and at the end we shall be washed white in the blood of the lamb, if only we believe. How about those who have suffered under our evil doing? Because I am saved, does that help them? How about those whom I in my stupid, ignorant and evil past perhaps have given a shove downwards instead of helping to lift upwards. Can't you see that it is wrong? Don't you see that those ideas are a complete reversal of a cosmic philosophy? That it is not so important what happens to the unit; the greater is what happens to the endless, toiling, hoping, working suffering multitudes.
We must retrain ourselves with the priority of universal brotherhood and sisterhood, and march to the beat of altruistic, cosmic principles. As Spock would say, sacrifice the needs of the one for the many.
Thank you G. D. P. One truth many paths. Be good, do good.
Louis DiVirgilio
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