The philosophy of life accepted by the majority has constantly led us from our noblest possibilities. We eat and sleep and suffer and die in our brain-minds and the lower and unreal portion of our selves, and keeps the chambers of the soul with doors locked against our own entrance.
Look at the faces in the street, the general aspect of humanity in public places: they are beginning to fear death; the thought of death is with them always. Fear is in our blood and it will be in the blood of our descendants. Our young men grow old before they have been young, and our woman are bowed down and joyless. We are limited in our intellect and heart-life and physically where many should be giants, they are now apologies for men----and all because down the though the centuries we have been presented with-half truths only. The great and universal truths about life have been hidden away under forms and ceremonies and reasoning and argument and expectancy and faith, till we no longer know where we are.
They borrow their opinions from outside sources and ignore the divinity sleeping within themselves. Appearances pass for truth, the letter is preferred to spirit wile they are relying on their false righteousness.
We hunger and thirst for the surface of things and will never rest long enough in the chambers of our souls, often taking no step forward in things spiritual because our minds are so immersed in books, often burdened with a kind of scholarship that tears out the heart of humanity, and explains the universe and all that therein is from the standpoint of matter and the brain-mind alone. Even if we read and studied millions of books and had the greatest of teachers to instruct us, we would find no truth until we believed in our inner selves and that, being human, we are more than human---greater than the world imagines or than dogmas and creeds allow---because there is within us that which is capable of absolute knowledge and may not stop, without self-degradation, at faith.
Many who desire truth are yet unwilling to give up for its sake any of their mental encumbrances that bear no relation to truth; preconceived notions lingering in the halls of their memory, opinions born of their own whims or the psychological influence of their neighbors' minds or the books they read or their environment, the conventional views they absorbed through their education when they were taught to accept cant phrases as substitutes for vital realities.
Consider the injunction that we should love our neighbors as ourselves. We read it glibly in church on Sundays and repeat it with a certain vanity in the repetition, but what have we of it in our daily life? Conventional phrases expressive of politeness and a conventional attitude of goodwill; lip-worn platitudes, in respect to which whoever violates normal usage is accounted rude and unfriendly. It never or rarely occurs to us that talking about feelings loving our neighbor as our selves, unless real feeling capable of dominating our lives and actions lies behind the words, is all a vain repetition---lip service, cant, and even hypocrisy.
No man or woman can walk in the light until they have freed themselves of superficiality. The human mind must achieve its independence, stepping out and standing for greater things than mere societies slogans. As long as we are unfocused and our thinking is all with the ideas of old religious systems, so long will it be impossible for us to understand the real nature of our humanity because the essentials for such an understanding lie all within our divine higher self, in the inmost sanctuary of live.
Thank you Katherine Tingley One truth, many paths. Be good, do good.
Louis DiVirgilio
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