Monday, November 15, 2021

Cosmically nothing is ever forced.

Oh! of course there are changing sequences of time, but even there nothing is forced.  It is us human's who continue to live under suppression; why?  because we  are socially conditioned to move with restraint, bypassing all conditions except those that are the most safe and familiar; we are locked into our cycles of behave yours. There is an old axiom, "there is nothing new under the sun."  Its meaning is, as the universe roles along, it does not manufacture new pieces of universality, but continuously crafts and rebuilds from the ruminant's left over, no matter what condition they may be in; the universe will find a way to conform them into use, evolutionarily.  So, used pieces of universality are reformed continually.  Nothing is ever wasted, because, "there is nothing new under the sun." 

Every thing within the universe is unitized, all within one.  That is, every thing in the universe is not separated, but unionized.  What that means is there no separation between our planet earth, and any other solar system; it is all universal, and lives, moves, and has its being, within the highest of spiritual values. This idea of cosmos universality is the savarin touch stone of spiritual conciseness, but is  terribly misconstrued by the many religious belief systems.  While the majority of religious believers place their immortal God as their immutable shield, thinking that no manner of harm will ever attack them, they forget that the highest, the most infinite of realms, moves and breaths through the universe.  So, throughout the universe there no standards, there is only one divine reality.  We find the our true peace and calmness comes from moving in step with Universal Nature.  We can find True Rhythm by listening to our heartbeat.  We blend our heartbeat to the pulse of the cosmos.  We move to the pulse as we live by the heartbeat, and in this manner we find and accept our path and place in the unity and interdependence of it all.  

 From where I came I will return, carrying the knowledge and understanding of my travels, were I can finally rest.

                                           One truth, many paths.  Be good, do good. 

                                                               Louis DiVirgilio                         


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