The world is approaching the time when it realizes that the only way in which we can save ourselves is by just being conscious every day in every way, and not by preaching --- whether it be preaching politics or philosophy or religion. Politics, at lest such as we understand it today, will vanish away as an illusion, and the great secret mysteries that lie there: love and brotherhood and sisterhood, compassion and peace; these are the great things that should come to the world, for the world's benefit. After all is examined, it is ideas that rule the world; it is precisely because people misthink and wrongly suppose that money or property is a thing in itself of absolute value, and that politics is a thing in and of its self of absolute value, and that these feeble instruments and products of human endeavor have their grip on humans and wield their sway over human hearts. Let us then change our ideas, and follow ideas which are composite of good ideas, based on universal brotherhood ideas and sisterhood ideas of intrinsic moral beauty of spiritual and intellectual grandeur, ideas which in time will bring about a confraternity not only of the peoples of the earth, but of all the smaller social units that go to make up a nation. Then, with these ideas permeating our consciousness, we shall not need to bother about politics and the rights or nonrights of private property. The world of humans will then run as easily and smoothly as a well-ordered mechanism; and we shall have happiness and peace all over our globe.
This is not the pipe dream of a vaguely visioning and idealistic dreamer. It is an actuality which can be put into practical operation simply by a reorienting of our thinking and of our feeling of new standards of human conduct; and in such a new world men and woman will be judged not only by what they do or produce, but by what they think, because thoughts of brotherly and human benevolence will be carried into constructive action. They will then not be judged by what they have or own. Property will not be the standard of righteousness nor of the proprieties.
We must shift our moral center of gravity to ethics where it rightly and truly belongs, and away from property where it has been falsely placed during the last few thousand years because of unfortunate contributing historical causes. It is easier far to make such shift of values to their natural, proper, and therefor legitimate sphere, than continue being involved through centuries of the future in struggles of an international or internecine character with their bitter animosities and unforgetting hatreds, their dislocations of social and political life and the consequent misery weighing so heavily upon us all. There is not a single logical or reasonable argument to be urged against this shifting of our center of consciousness---except in the lose of ignorance, prejudice, and dense human stupidity, due to the inertia brought about by this sleepiness and our empty disbelief in our own powers to carve our own destiny.
It would seem to be undoubtedly true that unless there comes upon the world a new outlook and a change of our habit, mental and psychical, of envisaging events through the distorted lenses of our present-day sense of values, our already badly shaken civilization runs a danger of sliding down into a welter of confusion, despair, and human misery, such as the annals of known history have not yet chronicled.
It is not the crises, when things crash or seem to crash; it is not the horrific noise of the thunder or the crash of its bolt, which govern the great functions of life, human and cosmic; but those slow, to us, always quiet unending silent processes which build all the time; and even in the human race carry it through folly after folly after folly after folly into the future.
There is the ground of our hope; and it seems that all good men and women should rally to the defense of these primal, simple verities which every human heart, adult or child, can understand. It is about time that men and women should began to look on the bright side of things, to see hope around us, to forget themselves and their petty worries, and to live in the Infinite and Eternal. It is easy, infinitely easier than making ourselves continuously sick with frets and worries. Within each one of us there is something divine to which we can cling, and which will carry us through.
Thanks' G. D. P. One truth, many paths. Be good, Do good.
Louis DiVirgilio
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