It is the deepest level of mind. It is awareness, aliveness, a profound intelligence that lies beyond intellect, beyond memory, beyond judgment, beyond karma, beyond all divisions. It is intelligence of existence itself. In the yogic tradition, its said that once you distance yourself from the compulsions of your karmic software, as well as the identification of your intellect, you will be in touch with this existential consciousness. In the source of creation is pure intelligence that creates memory out of itself; the rest of creation projects memory as intelligence.
I know that the information above may bend your credence, and awaken your memory with visions of Star Track, but our terraforma is in-coupled with the entire universe without any breaks. We and the universe are one. It would be foolish to deny that within the whole Solar system of any other reasonable and intellectual beings on our human plane, that we would be the only beings capable of survival on our planet; it would be the greatest display of conceit for us to make such a claim. All that science has right to affirm, is that there are no invisible intelligences living under the same conditions as we do. It cannot deny point-blank the possibility of there being worlds within worlds, under totally different conditions to those that constitute the nature of our world; nor can they deny that there may be a certain limited communication between some of those worlds and our own.
One of the greatest philosophers of European birth, Immanuel Kant, assures us that such a communication is in no way improbable. "I confess I am much disposed to assert the existence of Immaterial natures in the world, and to place my own soul in the class of these beings. It will here after, I know not where, or when, yet be proved that the human soul stands even in this life in indissoluble connection with all immaterial natures in the spirit-world, that it reciprocally acts upon these and receives impressions from them."
Thank's H. P. B. One truth, many paths. Be good do good.
Louis DiVirgilio
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